
Find whole words within a string (Views: 710)


Does anyone know of a function that finds a whole word within a string as in the search and replace options?


{Function FindWord

pattern: word to search for
text: text to search
caseSensitive: determines whether search is case sensitive or not. Default is not case-sensitive.
startAt: first character to search, default is 1.

The start of the first instance of the word, or 0, if the word was not found or only as part of larger words. A word in this context is any sequence of alphanumeric characters delimited by non-alphanumeric characters.

Error Conditions: none

Created: 18.05.99 by P. Below}

function FindWord(pattern, text: string; caseSensitive: Boolean = false; startAt:
  Integer = 1): Integer;
  offset, endOfPattern: Integer;
  Result := 0;
  if Length(text) = 0 then
  if Length(pattern) = 0 then
    {By definition a pattern of length 0 is always found}
    result := 1;
  if not caseSensitive then
    pattern := AnsiLowerCase(pattern);
    text := AnsiLowerCase(text);
  endOfPattern := startAt + Length(pattern);
  for offset := startAt to Length(text) - Length(pattern) + 1 do
    if pattern[1] = text[offset] then
      if ((offset = 1) or not IsCharAlphaNumeric(text[offset - 1])) and ((endOfPattern
        > Length(text)) or  not IsCharAlphaNumeric(text[endOfPattern]))
                                and (StrLComp(@text[offset], @pattern[1], Length(pattern)) = 0) then
        Result := offset;

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