
Align cells in a TStringGrid (4) (Views: 780)


Anyone know a simple way of vertically centering your text in a TStringGrid cell. Actually, I wish the StringGrid had the ability to align horizontally as well.


Below is some Delphi3 code that I wrote for handling left-right alignment of text in string grids. It would be straightforward to change it for vertical instead (or as well). See DT_BOTTOM, DT_VCENTER and DT_TOP in the description of DrawText in Delphi's Win32 help file. The code also handles automatic word-wrapping and font changes on a per cell basis.

procedure DrawSGCell(Sender: TObject; C, R: integer; Rect: TRect;
  Style: TFontStyles; Wrap: boolean; Just: TAlignment; NoEditCols: TNoEditCols);

{formats cell text; call this routine from grid's DrawCell event;
Style is TFontStyles...
TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;
TFontStyle = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut);
Wrap is word-wrap on/off,
Just is (taLeftJustify, taRightJustify, taCenter)}

  S: string;
  DrawRect: TRect;
  {multi-line wordwrapped cells, with any justification, and any font params}
  {if Row > 0 then
    { only used for column headings}
    { get cell contents }
  with (Sender as TStringGrid), Canvas do
    S := Cells[C, R];
    {erase earlier contents from default drawing }
    Brush.Color := FixedColor;
    if (R >= FixedRows) and (C >= FixedCols) and not (C in NoEditCols) then
      Brush.Color := Color;
    if length(S) > 0 then
      {switch to font style}
      Font.Style := Style;
      {local copy of cell rectangle}
      DrawRect := Rect;
      if Wrap then
        {get size of text rectangle in DrawRect}
        DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_calcrect or dt_wordbreak or
        if (DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top) > RowHeights[R] then
          {cell word-wrapped; need to increase row height}
          RowHeights[R] := DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top;
          SetGridHeight(Sender as TStringGrid);
          DrawRect.Right := Rect.Right;
          case Just of
                S := ' ' + S;
                DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_wordbreak or
              DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_wordbreak or
                S := S + ' ';
                DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_wordbreak or
        {no wrap}
        case Just of
              S := ' ' + S;
              DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_singleline or
                dt_vcenter or dt_left);
            DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_singleline or
                                                         dt_vcenter or dt_center);
              S := S + ' ';
              DrawText(Handle, PChar(S), length(S), DrawRect, dt_singleline or
                dt_vcenter or dt_right);
      {restore no font styles}
      Font.Style := [];

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