
Use the OnDraw methods of a TListView in vsReport view style (Views: 706)


Does anyone know how to use the OnDraw methods in the TListView - vsReport? I want to draw both the list item and the list item's sub-items, but it seems to me that the OnDraw only gets called on the item. I have tried all the draw methods but cannot realy figure out how to draw in the subitems rect.


You are right, it gets called by the TListItem but since you have the TListItem, you can draw the subitems as well. Example DrawItem:

{ ... }
if Item.Index = 0 then
  Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed
  Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color := clYellow;
for x := 0 to TListView(Sender).Columns.Count - 1 do
  if x = 0 then
    Sender.Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top, Item.Caption)
    Sender.Canvas.TextOut((Rect.Left + 2) + Sender.Column[x].Width,
      Rect.Top, Item.SubItems.Strings[x - 1]);
{ ... }

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