
Draw antialiased circles (Views: 704)


How to draw antialiased circles


This demo program shows how to draw circles with configurable antialiasing. The DrawCircle and DrawDisk routines are optimized quite well but do not claim to be the fastest solution :) It is a floating point precision implementation. Further optimisation would be possible if an integer approach was chosen (but that would also loose functionality).

unit DrawCirclesMain;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
  StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ColorPickerButton, Math;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    btnDrawCircle: TButton;
    edBitmapWidth: TEdit;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    edBitmapHeight: TEdit;
    Label3: TLabel;
    edCenterX: TEdit;
    Label4: TLabel;
    edCenterY: TEdit;
    Label5: TLabel;
    edRadius: TEdit;
    Label6: TLabel;
    edFeather: TEdit;
    cpbColor: TColorPickerButton;
    Label7: TLabel;
    cpbBackgr: TColorPickerButton;
    Label8: TLabel;
    rbDrawCircle: TRadioButton;
    rbDrawDisk: TRadioButton;
    Label9: TLabel;
    edLineWidth: TEdit;
    ScrollBox1: TScrollBox;
    imMain: TImage;
    btnExportBitmap: TButton;
    procedure btnDrawCircleClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnExportBitmapClick(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;

  {Draw a circle on Bitmap - see comments in implementation}
procedure DrawCircle(Bitmap: TBitmap; CenterX, CenterY, Radius, LineWidth, Feather:

{Draw a disk on Bitmap - see comments in implementation}
procedure DrawDisk(Bitmap: TBitmap; CenterX, CenterY, Radius, Feather: single);


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procedure DrawDisk(Bitmap: TBitmap; CenterX, CenterY, Radius, Feather: single);

{Draw a disk on Bitmap. Bitmap must be a 256 color (pf8bit) palette bitmap, and parts outside the disk will get palette index 0, parts inside will get palette index 255, and in the antialiased area (feather), the pixels will get values in between.


The bitmap to draw on

CenterX, CenterY:
The center of the disk (float precision). Note that [0, 0] would be the center of the first pixel. To draw in the exact middle of a 100x100 bitmap,  use CenterX = 49.5 and CenterY = 49.5

The radius of the drawn disk in pixels (float precision)

The feather area. Use 1 pixel for a 1-pixel antialiased area. Pixel centers outside 'Radius + Feather / 2' become 0, pixel centers inside 'Radius - Feather/2' become 255. Using a value of 0 will yield a bilevel

Copyright (c) 2003 Nils Haeck M.Sc. www.simdesign.nl}

  x, y: integer;
  LX, RX, LY, RY: integer;
  Fact: integer;
  RPF2, RMF2: single;
  P: PByteArray;
  SqY, SqDist: single;
  sqX: array of single;
  {Determine some helpful values (singles)}
  RPF2 := sqr(Radius + Feather / 2);
  RMF2 := sqr(Radius - Feather / 2);
  {Determine bounds:}
  LX := Max(floor(CenterX - RPF2), 0);
  RX := Min(ceil(CenterX + RPF2), Bitmap.Width - 1);
  LY := Max(floor(CenterY - RPF2), 0);
  RY := Min(ceil(CenterY + RPF2), Bitmap.Height - 1);
  {Optimization run: find squares of X first}
  SetLength(SqX, RX - LX + 1);
  for x := LX to RX do
    SqX[x - LX] := sqr(x - CenterX);
  {Loop through Y values}
  for y := LY to RY do
    P := Bitmap.Scanline[y];
    SqY := Sqr(y - CenterY);
    {Loop through X values}
    for x := LX to RX do
      {Determine squared distance from center for this pixel}
      SqDist := SqY + SqX[x - LX];
      {Inside inner circle? Most often...}
      if sqdist < RMF2 then
        {Inside the inner circle.. just give the scanline the new color}
        P[x] := 255
        {Inside outer circle?}
        if sqdist < RPF2 then
          {We are inbetween the inner and outer bound, now mix the color}
          Fact := round(((Radius - sqrt(sqdist)) * 2 / Feather) * 127.5 + 127.5);
          P[x] := Max(0, Min(Fact, 255)); {just in case limit to [0, 255]}
          P[x] := 0;

procedure DrawCircle(Bitmap: TBitmap; CenterX, CenterY, Radius, LineWidth, Feather:

{Draw a circle on Bitmap. Bitmap must be a 256 color (pf8bit) palette bitmap, and parts outside the circle will get palette index 0, parts inside will get palette index 255, and in the antialiased area (feather), the pixels will get values inbetween.


The bitmap to draw on

CenterX, CenterY:
The center of the circle (float precision). Note that [0, 0] would be the center of the first pixel. To draw in the exact middle of a 100x100 bitmap, use CenterX = 49.5 and CenterY = 49.5

The radius of the drawn circle in pixels (float precision)

The line width of the drawn circle in pixels (float precision)

The feather area. Use 1 pixel for a 1-pixel antialiased area. Pixel centers outside 'Radius + Feather / 2' become 0, pixel centers inside 'Radius - Feather/2' become 255. Using a value of 0 will yield a bilevel image. Note that Feather must be equal or smaller than LineWidth (or it will be adjusted internally)

Copyright (c) 2003 Nils Haeck M.Sc. www.simdesign.nl}

  x, y: integer;
  LX, RX, LY, RY: integer;
  Fact: integer;
  ROPF2, ROMF2, RIPF2, RIMF2: single;
  OutRad, InRad: single;
  P: PByteArray;
  SqY, SqDist: single;
  sqX: array of single;
  {Determine some helpful values (singles)}
  OutRad := Radius + LineWidth / 2;
  InRad := Radius - LineWidth / 2;
  ROPF2 := sqr(OutRad + Feather / 2);
  ROMF2 := sqr(OutRad - Feather / 2);
  RIPF2 := sqr(InRad + Feather / 2);
  RIMF2 := sqr(InRad - Feather / 2);
  {Determine bounds:}
  LX := Max(floor(CenterX - ROPF2), 0);
  RX := Min(ceil(CenterX + ROPF2), Bitmap.Width - 1);
  LY := Max(floor(CenterY - ROPF2), 0);
  RY := Min(ceil(CenterY + ROPF2), Bitmap.Height - 1);
  if Feather > LineWidth then
    Feather := LineWidth;
  {Optimization run: find squares of X first}
  SetLength(SqX, RX - LX + 1);
  for x := LX to RX do
    SqX[x - LX] := sqr(x - CenterX);
  {Loop through Y values}
  for y := LY to RY do
    P := Bitmap.Scanline[y];
    SqY := Sqr(y - CenterY);
    {Loop through X values}
    for x := LX to RX do
      {Determine squared distance from center for this pixel}
      SqDist := SqY + SqX[x - LX];
      {Now first check if we're completely inside (most often)}
      if SqDist < RIMF2 then
        {We're on the disk inside everything}
        P[x] := 0;
        {Completely outside?}
        if SqDist < ROPF2 then
          {Inside outer line - feather?}
          if SqDist < ROMF2 then
            {Check if we're in inside feather area}
            if SqDist < RIPF2 then
              {We are in the feather area of inner line, now mix the color}
              Fact := round(((sqrt(sqdist) - InRad) * 2 / Feather) * 127.5 + 127.5);
              P[x] := Max(0, Min(Fact, 255)); {just in case limit to [0, 255]}
              {On the line}
              P[x] := 255;
            {We are in the feather area of outer line, now mix the color}
            Fact := round(((OutRad - sqrt(sqdist)) * 2 / Feather) * 127.5 + 127.5);
            P[x] := Max(0, Min(Fact, 255)); {just in case limit to [0, 255]}
          {Outside everything}
          P[x] := 0;

procedure TForm1.btnDrawCircleClick(Sender: TObject);
{Create a 256-color bitmap and call the DrawCircle procedure}
  i, y: integer;
  ABitmap: TBitmap;
  pal: PLogPalette;
  hpal: HPALETTE;
  ColRGB, BgrRGB: integer;
  ACenterX, ACenterY,
    ARadius, AFeather,
    ALineWidth: single;
  ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
    {8 bits per pixel}
    ABitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit;
    {Set width and height}
    ABitmap.Width := StrToInt(edBitmapWidth.Text);
    ABitmap.Height := StrToInt(edBitmapHeight.Text);
    {Create a gradient palette between foreground and background color}
    GetMem(pal, sizeof(TLogPalette) + sizeof(TPaletteEntry) * 255);
      pal.palVersion := $300;
      pal.palNumEntries := 256;
      ColRGB := ColorToRGB(cpbColor.SelectionColor);
      BgrRGB := ColorToRGB(cpbBackgr.SelectionColor);
      for i := 0 to 255 do
        pal.palPalEntry[i].peRed := round(i / 255 * (ColRGB and $FF) + (255 - i) / 255
          * (BgrRGB and $FF));
        pal.palPalEntry[i].peGreen := round(i / 255 * (ColRGB shr 8 and $FF) +
          (255 - i) / 255 * (BgrRGB shr 8 and $FF));
        pal.palPalEntry[i].peBlue := round(i / 255 * (ColRGB shr 16 and $FF) +
          (255 - i) / 255 * (BgrRGB shr 16 and $FF));
      hpal := CreatePalette(pal^);
      if hpal <> 0 then
        ABitmap.Palette := hpal;
    {Fill bitmap with background color}
    for y := 0 to ABitmap.Height - 1 do
      FillChar(ABitmap.Scanline[y]^, ABitmap.Width, 0);
    {Get data from form}
    ACenterX := StrToFloat(edCenterX.Text);
    ACenterY := StrToFloat(edCenterY.Text);
    ARadius := StrToFloat(edRadius.Text);
    ALineWidth := StrToFloat(edLineWidth.Text);
    AFeather := StrToFloat(edFeather.Text);
    {Draw the circle}
    if rbDrawCircle.Checked then
      DrawCircle(ABitmap, ACenterX, ACenterY, ARadius, ALineWidth, AFeather)
      DrawDisk(ABitmap, ACenterX, ACenterY, ARadius, AFeather);
    {Assign to image}
    btnExportBitmap.Enabled := True;

procedure TForm1.btnExportBitmapClick(Sender: TObject);
  with TSaveDialog.Create(nil) do
      Title := 'Export bitmap';
      Filter := 'Bitmap files (*.bmp)|*.bmp';
      if Execute then


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