
Filters for 256 color greyscale images (Views: 712)


Filters for 256 color greyscale images


There are a lot of different filters that belong in different algorithm methods . A few things that are important to all methods:

Images must be 256 gray levels (I did not test them with color images)
We assume that image has the function RC (x, y) where x,y are the position of every pixel
0 < = X < = image_width - 1 and 0 < = Y < = Image_height - 1

Convolution filters

This is the most used method (also known as "moving window filters" and maybe you have already used it. For each pixel in range (1,1),(width-1,height-1) we calculate its new value using the following algorithm:

for j = 1 to height - 1
  for i = 1 to width - 1
  newcolor = a1 * RC(i, j - 1) + a2 * RC(i, j - 1) + a3 * RC(i + 1, j - 1) + b1 * RC(i - 1, j) + b2 * RC(i, j) +  b3 * RC(i + 1, j) + c1 * RC(i - 1, j + 1) + c2 * RC(i, j + 1) + c3 * RC(i + 1, j + 1);
newcolor = newcolor / kl;
newcolor = abs(newcolor);
if (newcolor > 255)newcolor = 255; {not greater than 255}
{do whatever you want here eg put new pixel color in a buffer}
end i
end j

Unfortunately in this method we have strange results in first & last row & column. That's why we start from row-column 1 (which is the second ) and we stop 1 row & column before end.

Here follow the names of the filters that belong into this method and the parameters a1..c3, kl that be used :

LOW_PASSn are noise removal filters. Images are getting smoother.
LAPLACE_ORIGINAL is Edge ehnancement filter.
LAPLACE is a special effect filter (looks like you type the image in abnormal paper)
LAPLACE_EDGE is Edge detection filter.
FOCUS is a sharpen filter (looks like you have changed the focus of the camera when
snapping the picture)

case LOW_PASS1: {
a1=1; a2=1; a3=1;
b1=1; b2=1; b3=1;
c1=1; c2=1; c3=1; break;
case LOW_PASS2: {
a1=1; a2=1; a3=1;
b1=1; b2=2; b3=1;
c1=1; c2=1; c3=1; break;
case LOW_PASS3: {
a1=1; a2=2; a3=1;
b1=2; b2=4; b3=2;
c1=1; c2=2; c3=1; break;
case LOW_PASS4: {
a1=0; a2=1; a3=0;
b1=1; b2=1; b3=1;
c1=0; c2=1; c3=0; break;
a1=-1; a2=-1; a3=-1;
b1=-1; b2=9; b3=-1;
c1=-1; c2=-1; c3=-1; break;
case LAPLACE: {
a1=1; a2=-2; a3=1;
b1=-2; b2=5; b3=-2;
c1=1; c2=-2; c3=1; break;
a1=-1; a2=-1; a3=-1;
b1=-1; b2=8; b3=-1;
c1=-1; c2=-1; c3=-1; break;
case FOCUS: {
a1= 0; a2=-1; a3= 0;
b1=-1; b2= 5; b3=-1;
c1= 0; c2=-1; c3= 0; break;

Relief filter

Maxcolor is the maximum greyscale of the image. This is a very fancy filter. All new pixels have values near the (maxcolor/2) and for better results in viewing it is good to create a histogram equalization for the new image.

for j = 0 to height - 1
  for i = 0 to width - 1
  newcolor = RC(i, j) + ((maxcolor / 2) - RC(i - 2, j - 2));
newcolor = abs(newcolor); {hate negative values !!!}
if (newcolor > 255)newcolor = 255; {not greater than 255}
{do whatever you want here eg put new pixel color in a buffer}
end i
end j

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