
How to check whether a program is available on a PC (Views: 711)


How do you find out whether a program is available ? For example, how can you programmatically tell whether MS Word 2000 is installed rather than Lotus WordPro? The OS can be Win95, 98, ME, 2000, NT4. I did not find any Win API function allowing to find out if a specific application exists on the machine. The nearest I found is the FindExecutable function but you need to pass it a document file name. Should I read the registry, to enumerate the currently installed applications?


For the MS Word case, you might want to start Word in automation mode to see if its present. The following routine does that:

function IsWordPresent(var IsActive: Boolean): Boolean;
  MSWord: Variant;
  Result := False;
  IsActive := False;
    MSWord := GetActiveOleObject('Word.Application');
    Result := not VarIsEmpty(MSWord);
    IsActive := not VarIsEmpty(MSWord)
    MSWord := Unassigned
  if VarIsEmpty(MSWord) then
      MSWord := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');
      Result := not VarIsEmpty(MSWord);
      if Result then

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