
How to get the names, ID's and sizes for paper formats and bins supported by a printer (Views: 716)


I'm trying to get a list of paper sizes for a given printer. The same list that's in the drop downs in the printer setup dialogs. It appears to be printer dependent. I tried EnumForms (in Win2000) but that gave a very large list (139 items). The printer setup dlg only lists about a dozen for each printer. This list seems to be the same list via Control Panel | Printers | Server Properties | Forms. Also, the names are slightly different in the printer setup dialog. instead of "Letter" the dialog has "Letter 81/2 x 11 in" (for some of my printers). I also tried DeviceCapabilities with the DC_PAPERNAMES flag, but that only returned the current paper size, though with the more user-friendly dialog paper size name ("Letter 81/2 x 11 in"). Frankly I expected DeviceCapabilities to be the solution. EnumForms is a WinNT call. I assume there's another API for Win9x.


Pick what you need from the unit below:

This unit collects a number of printer-related helper routines.
Author: Dr. Peter Below
Version 1.0 created 26.11.2001
Current revision: 1.01
Last modified: 03.12.2001

{$BOOLEVAL OFF} {Unit depends on shortcut boolean evaluation}
unit PrintUtils;


  Windows, Classes, DblRect;

  TPaperName = array[0..63] of Char;
  TPaperInfo = packed record
    papername: TPapername; { display name of the paper }
    paperID: Word; { DMPAPER_* ID }
    papersize: TPoint; { Size in 0.1 mm }
  TPaperInfos = array of TPaperInfo;
  TPaperSizes = array of TPoint;
  TPageInfo = record
    width, height: Integer; { physical width and height, in dots }
    offsetX, offsetY: Integer; { nonprintable margin, in dots }
    resX, resY: Integer; { logical resolution, dots per inch }

  {Return the names, IDs, and sizes for all paper formats supported by a printer. Index is the index of the printer in the Printers array, or -1 if the default printer should be examined.}
procedure GetPaperInfo(var infos: TPaperInfos; index: Integer = -1);
{Return the names and IDs for all bins supported by a printer. The IDs are returned in the
strings Objects property. Index is the index of the printer in the Printers array, or -1 if the default printer should be examined.}
procedure GetBinnames(sl: TStrings; index: Integer = -1);
{Return the names and IDs for all paper formats supported by a printer. The IDs are returned in the strings Objects property. Index is the index of the printer in the Printers array, or -1 if the default printer should be examined.}
procedure GetPapernames(sl: TStrings; index: Integer = -1);
{Return page information for the selected printer.}
procedure GetPageinfo(var info: TPageInfo; index: Integer = -1);
{Convert a page-relative position in mm to a printer canvas position in dots. The page coordinate system is oriented the same as the MM_TEXT canvas coordinate system, origin at top left of  page, positive Y axis downwards.}
function PointMMtoDots(const pt: TDoublePoint; const info: TPageInfo): TPoint;
{Convert a printer canvas position in dots to a page-relative position in mm. The page coordinate system is oriented the same as the MM_TEXT canvas coordinate system, origin at top left of page, positive Y axis downwards.}
function PointDotsToMM(const pt: TPoint; const info: TPageInfo): TDoublePoint;
{Convert a page-relative position in inch to a printer canvas position in dots. The page coordinate system is oriented the same as the MM_TEXT canvas coordinate system, origin at top left of page, positive Y axis downwards.}
function PointInchtoDots(const pt: TDoublePoint; const info: TPageInfo): TPoint;
{Convert a printer canvas position in dots to a page-relative position in inch. The page coordinate system is oriented the same as the MM_TEXT canvas coordinate system, origin at top left of page, positive Y axis downwards.}
function PointDotsToInch(const pt: TPoint; const info: TPageInfo): TDoublePoint;
{Convert inches to mm}
function InchToMM(const value: Double): Double;
{Convert mm to inches}
function MMToInch(const value: Double): Double;
{Select a printer bin. The parameter is the DMBIN_* index to use. The current printer is always used.}
procedure SelectPrinterBin(binID: SmallInt);
{Select a standard paper size. The parameter is the DMPAPER_* index to use. The current printer
is always used.}
procedure SelectPaper(paperID: SmallInt);
{Reload a printers DEVMODE record.}
procedure ResetPrinter;


  WinSpool, Sysutils, Printers;

procedure GetBinnames(sl: TStrings; index: Integer);
  TBinName = array[0..23] of Char;
  TBinNameArray = array[1..High(Integer) div Sizeof(TBinName)] of TBinName;
  PBinnameArray = ^TBinNameArray;
  TBinArray = array[1..High(Integer) div Sizeof(Word)] of Word;
  PBinArray = ^TBinArray;
  Device, Driver, Port: array[0..255] of Char;
  hDevMode: THandle;
  i, numBinNames, numBins, temp: Integer;
  pBinNames: PBinnameArray;
  pBins: PBinArray;
  Printer.PrinterIndex := index;
  Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDevmode);
  numBinNames := WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_BINNAMES, nil, nil);
  numBins := WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_BINS, nil, nil);
  if numBins <> numBinNames then
    raise Exception.Create('DeviceCapabilities reports different number of bins and ' +  'bin names!');
  if numBinNames > 0 then
    GetMem(pBinNames, numBinNames * Sizeof(TBinname));
    GetMem(pBins, numBins * Sizeof(Word));
      WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_BINNAMES, Pchar(pBinNames), nil);
      WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_BINS, Pchar(pBins), nil);
      for i := 1 to numBinNames do
        temp := pBins^[i];
        sl.addObject(pBinNames^[i], TObject(temp));
      if pBins <> nil then

procedure GetPapernames(sl: TStrings; index: Integer);
  TPaperNameArray = array[1..High(Integer) div Sizeof(TPaperName)] of TPaperName;
  PPapernameArray = ^TPaperNameArray;
  TPaperArray = array[1..High(Integer) div Sizeof(Word)] of Word;
  PPaperArray = ^TPaperArray;
  Device, Driver, Port: array[0..255] of Char;
  hDevMode: THandle;
  i, numPaperNames, numPapers, temp: Integer;
  pPaperNames: PPapernameArray;
  pPapers: PPaperArray;
  Printer.PrinterIndex := index;
  Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDevmode);
  numPaperNames := WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_PAPERNAMES, nil, nil);
  numPapers := WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_PAPERS, nil, nil);
  if numPapers <> numPaperNames then
    raise Exception.Create('DeviceCapabilities reports different number
      of papers and '+ ' paper names!');
  if numPaperNames > 0 then
    GetMem(pPaperNames, numPaperNames * Sizeof(TPapername));
    GetMem(pPapers, numPapers * Sizeof(Word));
      WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_PAPERNAMES, Pchar(pPaperNames),
      WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_PAPERS, Pchar(pPapers), nil);
      for i := 1 to numPaperNames do
        temp := pPapers^[i];
        sl.addObject(pPaperNames^[i], TObject(temp));
      if pPapers <> nil then

procedure GetPapersizes(var sizes: TPaperSizes; index: Integer);
  Device, Driver, Port: array[0..255] of Char;
  hDevMode: THandle;
  numPapers: Integer;
  Printer.PrinterIndex := index;
  Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDevmode);
  numPapers := WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_PAPERS, nil, nil);
  SetLength(sizes, numPapers);
  if numPapers > 0 then
    WinSpool.DeviceCapabilities(Device, Port, DC_PAPERSIZE, PChar(@sizes[0]), nil);

procedure GetPaperInfo(var infos: TPaperInfos; index: Integer);
  sizes: TPaperSizes;
  sl: TStringlist;
  i: Integer;
  sl := Tstringlist.Create;
    GetPaperNames(sl, index);
    GetPaperSizes(sizes, index);
    Assert(sl.count = Length(sizes));
    SetLength(infos, sl.count);
    for i := 0 to sl.count - 1 do
      StrPLCopy(infos[i].papername, sl[i], Sizeof(TPapername) - 1);
      infos[i].paperID := LoWord(Longword(sl.Objects[i]));
      infos[i].papersize := sizes[i];

procedure GetPageinfo(var info: TPageInfo; index: Integer = -1);
  if index > -1 then
    Printer.PrinterIndex := index;
  with Printer do
    info.resX := GetDeviceCaps(handle, LOGPIXELSX);
    info.resY := GetDeviceCaps(handle, LOGPIXELSY);
    info.offsetX := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
    info.offsetY := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
    info.width := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALWIDTH);
    info.height := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALHEIGHT);

function PointMMtoDots(const pt: TDoublePoint; const info: TPageInfo): TPoint;
  dp: TDoublePoint;
  dp.X := MMToInch(pt.X);
  dp.Y := MMToInch(pt.Y);
  Result := PointInchtoDots(dp, info);

function PointDotsToMM(const pt: TPoint; const info: TPageInfo): TDoublePoint;
  Result := PointDotsToInch(pt, info);
  Result.X := InchToMM(Result.X);
  Result.Y := InchToMM(Result.Y);

function PointInchtoDots(const pt: TDoublePoint; const info: TPageInfo): TPoint;
  Result.X := Round(pt.X * info.resX) - info.offsetX;
  Result.Y := Round(pt.Y * info.resY) - info.offsetY;

function PointDotsToInch(const pt: TPoint; const info: TPageInfo): TDoublePoint;
  Result.X := (pt.X + info.offsetX) / info.resX;
  Result.Y := (pt.Y + info.offsetY) / info.resY;

  mmPerInch = 25.4;

function InchToMM(const value: Double): Double;
  Result := value * mmPerInch;

function MMToInch(const value: Double): Double;
  Result := value / mmPerInch;

procedure SelectPrinterBin(binID: SmallInt);
  Device, Driver, Port: array[0..127] of char;
  hDeviceMode: THandle;
  pDevMode: PDeviceMode;
  with Printer do
    GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDeviceMode);
    pDevMode := GlobalLock(hDevicemode);
    if pDevMode <> nil then
      with pDevMode^ do
        dmFields := dmFields or DM_DEFAULTSOURCE;
        dmDefaultSource := binID;

procedure SelectPaper(paperID: SmallInt);
  Device, Driver, Port: array[0..127] of char;
  hDeviceMode: THandle;
  pDevMode: PDeviceMode;
  with Printer do
    GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDeviceMode);
    pDevMode := GlobalLock(hDevicemode);
    if pDevMode <> nil then
      with pDevMode^ do
        dmFields := dmFields or DM_PAPERSIZE;
        dmPapersize := paperID;

procedure ResetPrinter;
  Device, Driver, Port: array[0..80] of Char;
  DevMode: THandle;
  Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, DevMode);
  Printer.SetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, 0)


This unit defines point and rect types which store their boundaries as doubles, plus some routines
to work with these types.
Author: Dr. Peter Below
Version 1.0 created 22.02.1997
Version 1.01 created 04.12.2001, added InflateDoubleRect and modified comments for Time2Help.
Current revision: 1.01
Last modified: 4 Dezember 2001

{$BOOLEVAL OFF} {Unit depends on shortcut boolean evaluation}
unit DblRect;



  TDoublePoint = record
    X, Y: Double;
  TDoubleRect = record
    case Byte of
      0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Double);
      1: (topleft, bottomright: TDoublePoint);
      2: (X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Double);

  EmptyDoubleRect: TDoubleRect = (Left: 0.0; Top: 0.0; Right: 0.0; Bottom: 0.0);
  EmptyPoint: TDoublePoint = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.0);

  DefaultEpsilon: Double = 1.0 e - 8;

function DoublePoint(const aX, aY: Double): TDoublePoint;
function AreDoublePointsEqual(const P1, P2: TDoublePoint): Boolean;
procedure OffsetDoublePoint(var P: TDoublePoint; dx, dy: Double);
procedure ScaleDoublePoint(var P: TDoublePoint; factor: DOuble);
function DoublePointDistance(const P1, P2: TDoublePoint): Double;
function PointFromDoublePoint(const P: TDoublePoint): TPoint;
function DoublePointFromPoint(const P: TPoint): TDoublePoint;
function DoubleRect(const L, T, R, B: Double): TDoubleRect;
procedure VerifyDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect);
function AreDoubleRectsEqual(const R1, R2: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
procedure OffsetDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect; dx, dy: Double);
procedure ScaleDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect; cx, cy: Double);
procedure InflateDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect; dx, dy: Double);
procedure IntersectDoubleRect(const R1, R2: TDoubleRect; var isect: TDoubleRect);
function IsDoubleRectEmpty(const R: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
function RectFromDoubleRect(const R: TDoubleRect): TRect;
function DoubleRectFromRect(const R: TRect): TDoubleRect;
function DoublePointInRect(const P: TDOublePoint; const R: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
function ULeft(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
function URight(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
function LLeft(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
function LRight(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;


{Returns a TDoublePoint constructed from the passed coordinates.}

function DoublePoint(const aX, aY: Double): TDoublePoint;
  with Result do
    X := aX;
    Y := aY;

{Compares the two passed points and returns true if they are considered equal, false otherwise.
The points are equal if their coordinates differ less than the DefaultEpsilon.}

function AreDoublePointsEqual(const P1, P2: TDoublePoint): Boolean;
  Result := (Abs(P1.X - P2.X) < DefaultEpsilon) and (Abs(P1.Y - P2.Y) <

{: Moves the passed point by the passed increments.}

procedure OffsetDoublePoint(var P: TDoublePoint; dx, dy: Double);
  with P do
    X := X + dx;
    Y := Y + dy;

{Multiplies the passed points coordinates by factor.}

procedure ScaleDoublePoint(var P: TDoublePoint; factor: DOuble);
  with P do
    X := X * factor;
    Y := Y * factor;

{Returns the distance between the passed points. This will always be a positive number.}

function DoublePointDistance(const P1, P2: TDoublePoint): Double;
  Result := Sqrt(Sqr(P1.X - P2.X) + Sqr(P1.Y - P2.Y));

{Converts the passed TDoublePoint to a TPoint and returns the result.}

function PointFromDoublePoint(const P: TDoublePoint): TPoint;
  with Result do
    X := Round(P.X);
    Y := Round(P.Y);

{Converts the passed TPoint to a TDoublePoint and returns the result.}

function DoublePointFromPoint(const P: TPoint): TDoublePoint;
  with Result do
    X := P.X;
    Y := P.Y;

{Returns a TDoubleRect made from the passed parameters. Makes certain that the resulting rect meets the criteria Left < Right and Top < Bottom, boundaries may be swapped to achieve this.}

function DoubleRect(const L, T, R, B: Double): TDoubleRect;
  with Result do
    if L <= R then
      Left := L;
      Right := R;
      Left := R;
      Right := L;
    if T <= B then
      Top := T;
      Bottom := B;
      Top := B;
      Bottom := T;

{Makes sure the passed rectangle meets the constraints Left < Right and Top < Bottom.
If needed, boundaries will be swapped.}

procedure VerifyDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect);
  temp: Double;
  with R do
    if Left > Right then
      temp := Left;
      Left := right;
      Right := temp;
    if Top > Bottom then
      temp := Top;
      Top := Bottom;
      Bottom := temp;

{Returns True if the two passed rects R1 and R2 are equal, false otherwise. Equal in this case means that each of the four coordinates of P1 has a difference of less than DefaultEpsilon from the corresponding coordinate of P2.}

function AreDoubleRectsEqual(const R1, R2: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
  Result := (Abs(R1.X1 - R2.X1) < DefaultEpsilon) and (Abs(R1.Y1 - R2.Y1) <
    DefaultEpsilon) and
    (Abs(R1.X2 - R2.X2) < DefaultEpsilon) and (Abs(R1.Y2 - R2.Y2) < DefaultEpsilon);

{Moves the passed rectangle by the given increments.}

procedure OffsetDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect; dx, dy: Double);
  with R do
    X1 := X1 + dx;
    Y1 := Y1 + dy;
    X2 := X2 + dx;
    Y2 := Y2 + dy;

{Scales the passed rectangle by the factors given. This changes only the size of the rectangle, the upper left corner coordinates stay fixed.}

procedure ScaleDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect; cx, cy: Double);
  with R do
    X2 := (X2 - X1) * cx + X1;
    Y2 := (Y2 - Y1) * cy + Y1;

Change the size of a double rect.
Param R is the rect to change
Param dx is the horizontal size increment to apply
Param dy is the vertical size increment to apply
Like the API function InflateRect this procedure will subtract dx from the r.left, add dx to r.right, subtract dy
from r.top and add dy to r.bottom. So the rectangle width and height changes by 2 times the increment.
Created 04.12.2001 by P. Below

procedure InflateDoubleRect(var R: TDoubleRect; dx, dy: Double);
  r.Left := r.Left - dx;
  r.Right := r.Right + dx;
  r.Top := r.Top - dy;
  r.Bottom := r.Bottom + dy;

{Calculates the intersection of the two rectangles passed and returns the result in isect. The result will be empty if the rectangles are disjunct. Note that this procedure assumes that the rectangles obey the constraints Left <= Right and Top <= Bottom !}

procedure IntersectDoubleRect(const R1, R2: TDoubleRect; var isect: TDoubleRect);
  if (R1.Left > R2.Right) or (R1.Right < R2.Left) or (R1.Top > R2.Bottom) or (R1.Bottom
    < R2.Top) then
    {The two rectangles do not intersect}
    isect := EmptyDoubleRect;
    {Figure out placement of left border of result rectangle, which is the rightmost of the two left borders of the source rectangles.}
    if R1.Left < R2.Left then
      isect.Left := R2.Left
      isect.Left := R1.Left;
    {Figure out placement of top border of result rectangle, which is the bottommost of the two top borders of the source rectangles.}
    if R1.Top < R2.Top then
      isect.Top := R2.Top
      isect.Top := R1.Top;
    {Figure out placement of right border of result rectangle, which is the leftmost of the two Right borders of the source rectangles.}
    if R1.Right > R2.Right then
      isect.Right := R2.Right
      isect.Right := R1.Right;
    {Figure out placement of Bottom border of result rectangle, which is the topmost of the two Bottom borders of the source rectangles.}
    if R1.Bottom > R2.Bottom then
      isect.Bottom := R2.Bottom
      isect.Bottom := R1.Bottom;

{Returns True if the passed rect spans no area, meaning the TopLeft and BottomRight corners are equal inside the precision given by the default threshold value DefaultEpsilon}

function IsDoubleRectEmpty(const R: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
  Result := AreDoublePointsEqual(R.TopLeft, R.BottomRight);

{Constructs a TRect from the passed TDoubleRect and returns it. The standard Round function is used to convert floating point to integer.}

function RectFromDoubleRect(const R: TDoubleRect): TRect;
  with Result do
    Left := Round(R.Left);
    Top := Round(R.Top);
    Right := Round(R.Right);
    Bottom := Round(R.Bottom);

{Constructs a TDoubleRect from the passed rect, validates it and returns it.}

function DoubleRectFromRect(const R: TRect): TDoubleRect;
  with Result do
    Left := R.Left;
    Top := R.Top;
    Right := R.Right;
    Bottom := R.Bottom;

{Performs a point-in-rectangle test and returns True, if the passed point is inside the rectangle or on one of its borders, false otherwise. The rectangle must meet the constraints  Left <= Right and Top <= Bottom !}

function DoublePointInRect(const P: TDOublePoint; const R: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
  with R, P do
    Result := (X >= Left) and (X <= Right) and (Y >= Top) and (Y <= Bottom);

{Returns the upper left corner of the passed rectangle}

function ULeft(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
  Result := R.TopLeft;

{Returns the upper right corner of the passed rectangle}

function URight(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
  with R, Result do
    X := Right;
    Y := Top;

{Returns the lower left corner of the passed rectangle}

function LLeft(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
  with R, Result do
    X := Left;
    Y := Bottom;

{Returns the lower right corner of the passed rectangle}

function LRight(const R: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
  Result := R.BottomRight;


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